Der gives karaktere efter 12-tals karakterskalaen flere gange i løbet af skoleåret :
Standpunktskarakterer i november til 2g og 3g
Standpunktskarakterer i marts til 1g, 2g og 3g
Årskarakterer for fag, der afsluttes samme skoleår gives i maj
Årskarakterer for øvrige fag gives ultimo juni
På HF-uddannelsen gives IKKE årskarakterer, men vejledende standpunktskarakterer i november og marts. Karaktererne gives individuelt og efter 12-tals karakterskalaen.
HF-elever skal til eksamen i alle fag, bortset fra obligatorisk idræt. Der gives også karakter for den større skriftlige opgave i 3. semester.
Hvad betyder karaktererne?
12-tals skalaen – også kaldet 7-trins-skalaen – består af følgende 7 karakterer. Karakterne 12,10,7,4 og 02 betyder bestået, men karaktererne -3 og 00 betyder ikke bestået.
12 – Den fremragende præstation Karakteren 12 gives for den fremragende præstation, der demonstrerer udtømmende opfyldelse af fagets mål, med ingen eller få uvæsentlige mangler Svarer til A på ECTS-skalaen
10 – Den fortrinlige præstation Karakteren 10 gives for den fortrinlige præstation, der demonstrerer omfattende opfyldelse af fagets mål, med nogle mindre væsentlige mangler Svarer til B på ECTS-skalaen
7 – Den gode præstation Karakteren 7 gives for den gode præstation, der demonstrerer opfyldelse af fagets mål, med en del mangler Svarer til C på ECTS-skalaen
4 – Den jævne præstation Karakteren 4 gives for den jævne præstation, der demonstrerer en mindre grad af opfyldelse af fagets mål, med adskillige væsentlige mangler Svarer til D på ECTS-skalaen
02 – Den tilstrækkelige præstation Karakteren 02 gives for den tilstrækkelige præstation, der demonstrerer den minimalt acceptable grad af opfyldelse af fagets mål Svarer til E på ECTS-skalaen
00 – Den utilstrækkelige præstation Karakteren 00 gives for den utilstrækkelige præstation, der ikke demonstrere en acceptabel grad af opfyldelse af fagets mål Svarer til Fx på ECTS-skalaen
-3 – Den ringe præstation Karakteren -3 gives for den helt uacceptable præstation Svarer til F på ECTS-skalaen
Du kan læse mere om prøver og eksamen for henholdsvis STX og HF m.m. på disse sider:
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Why do we use it?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
IB Business
Profile subjects: Business Management HL, Economics HL, Environmental Systems & Societies SL
Core subjects: English A or English B HL, Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL, Danish A or Danish B or Other Language, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
This combination of IB subjects gives access to 93 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
Business Administration & Digital Management
Business Administration & Service Management
Business Administration & Sociology
Business & Management
European Business
Financial Controller
Global Business Informatics
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
International Business
International Business & Politics
International Shipping & Trade
Leisure Management
Value Chain Management
IB Global
Profile subjects: Global Politics HL, Environmental Systems & Societies SL
Core subjects: English A or English B HL; Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL; Economics HL/SL or History HL/SL, Danish A or Danish B or Other Language, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
This combination of IB subjects gives access to 137 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
Global Studies
Global Studies + Communication Studies
Global Studies + Cultural Encounters
European Studies
Human Rights
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
International Relations
International Studies
International Development Studies
International Law
Social Entrepreneurship & Management
World Studies
IB Creative
Profile subject: Visual Arts HL or Film HL
Core subjects: English A or English B HL; Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL; Global Politics HL/SL or Psychology HL/SL or Business Management HL/SL; Biology or ESS or Physics; Danish A or Danish B or Other Language, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
This combination of IB subjects gives access to 90 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
Core subjects: English A or English B, Danish A or Danish B or Other Language, Global Politics HL/SL, Psychology HL/SL, or Business Management HL/SL, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
This combination of IB subjects gives access to 133 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
Core subjects: English A or English B HL; Danish A or Danish B or Other Language; Business Management HL/SL or Global Politics HL/SL or Psychology HL/SL; Theory of Knowledge; Creativity, Activity, Service.
This combination of IB subjects gives access to 214 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
Applied Industrial Electronics
Artificial Intelligence & Design
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Digital Technology
Electronics & IT
International Bachelor in Natural Sciences
General Engineering
Global Management & Manufacturing Engineering
Manufacturing & Operations Engineering
Mathematical Computer Modelling
Robot Technology
Software Engineering
IB Language, Culture, Communication
Profile subjects: English A or B HL, Danish A or B HL, a third language, History HL/SL
Core subjects: Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL, Biology SL or ESS SL, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
This combination of IB subjects gives access to 136 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
Business, Language, and Culture
Communication & Digital Media
European Studies
Export & Technology
Intercultural Market Communication
International Bachelor in Humanities
International Bachelor in Social Sciences
International Studies
Language & Business
Language & International Studies
Language Officer
Rhetoric & Communication
IB Psychology
Profile subjects: Psychology HL, Biology SL
Core subjects: English A or English B HL; Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL; History HL/SL or Economics HL/SL; Danish A or Danish B or Other Language; Theory of Knowledge; Creativity, Activity, Service.
This combination of IB subjects gives access to 136 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for: