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NF er en introduktion og indgang til fagene biologi, geografi og kemi. Fagene præsenterer hver deres særfaglige elementer og emner, men undervejs undervises der også i fællesfaglige forløb. NF afsluttes efter 2.semester med en eksamen i et af faggruppens fag. Der gives medtællende årskarakterer i de to fag, der ikke aflægges eksamen i.

KS er et tværfagligt samarbejde mellem fagene historie, religion og samfundsfag. Centrale emner i samfundet, som eksempelvis ”terrorisme” eller ”Kinas udfordringer” undersøges af de tre fag i fællesskab. KS afsluttes efter 3.semester med en eksamen i et af faggruppens fag. Der gives medtællende årskarakterer i de to fag, der ikke aflægges eksamen i.

Når du søger ind på HF skal du vælge om du vil have et kreativt fag eller idræt i 1. semester.

billedkunst arbejder vi både teoretisk og praktisk, men det er ikke et krav, at du kan tegne eller male; interesse og motivation rækker. Vi arbejder med kunst, arkitektur og kunsthistorie. Vi analyserer forskellige former for kunst, både ældre og helt moderne værker, f. eks. malerier, skulpturer, installationer, bygningsværker og videokunst. Eksempler på emner er politisk kunst, boligformer gennem tiden og menneskekroppen. It er en del af faget, og vi arbejder både med billedbehandlingsprogrammer, internettet og power point.

Dramatik består af tre dele. For det første vil vi skabe og spille dramatik. Vi arbejder med skuespil, instruktion eller scenografi, lyd, lys og kostumer. For det andet lærer du at iagttage og vurdere både de små spil holdet selv skaber og professionelle forestillinger vi ser udenfor skoletid. Den tredje del er teaterhistorie og teori. Vi skal fordybe os i to teaterhistoriske perioder, f.eks. naturalismen, og arbejde med dramaturgiske modeller.

Mediefag beskæftiger sig med film og tv. Vi studerer filmhistorie og filmgenrer, og lærer i shot to shot-analyser om de filmsproglige virkemidler: kameraarbejde, klipning og lyd. Et filmtema studeres grundigt. Desuden studerer vi tv-historie og tv-genrer, bl.a. faktion – blandingen mellem fakta og fiktion. Også et tv-emne studeres over nogle uger. Det praktiske arbejde foregår i grupper. Grupperne laver små optageøvelser med videokamera, som siden redigeres. Senere i forløbet produceres en kort film.

musik lærer du om musik fra nær og fjern og fra forskellige perioder. Du synger og spiller selv, og arbejder her specielt med stemmen og basal teknik på trommer, bas, klaver og guitar. Du behøver ikke at kunne spille et instrument. Lyst til at spille og synge er det vigtigste. Teknologi indgår i musik på mange måder. Du kan f.eks. indspille din egen CD, lære at skrive flotte noder, træne hørelære eller spille flotklingende numre v.h.a sequencere.

Idræt tager udgangspunkt i den fysiske aktivitet, men kan også indeholde teori fra de naturvidenskabelige, humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige områder. Gennem en alsidig idrætsundervisning opnås grundlæggende idrætslige færdigheder og indsigt i kroppens bevægelsesmuligheder. Derudover inddrager faget den sundhedsmæssige betydning af og forudsætningerne for at være i en god fysisk form. Faget giver en bred forståelse for idrættens bidrag til udviklingen af personlig identitet og sociale kompetencer. For at tilgodese et alsidigt idrætsbillede tilrettelægges undervisningen således, at mindst 20% af undervisningen udgøres af hvert af de 3 hovedområder boldspil, koreograferede og frie bevægelser til musik og lyd samt klassiske og nye idrætter.

Du skal til eksamen i dit kunstneriske fag eller idræt ved afslutningen af 1. semester på HF.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

  • Profile subjects: Business Management HL, Economics HL, Environmental Systems & Societies SL
  • Core subjects: English A or English B HL, Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL, Danish A or Danish B or Other Language, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
  • This combination of IB subjects gives access to 93 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
  • Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
  • Business Administration & Digital Management
  • Business Administration & Service Management
  • Business Administration & Sociology
  • Business & Management
  • European Business
  • Financial Controller
  • Global Business Informatics
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • International Business
  • International Business & Politics
  • International Shipping & Trade
  • Leisure Management
  • Value Chain Management
  • Profile subjects: Global Politics HL, Environmental Systems & Societies SL
  • Core subjects: English A or English B HL; Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL; Economics HL/SL or History HL/SL, Danish A or Danish B or Other Language, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
  • This combination of IB subjects gives access to 137 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
  • Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
  • Global Studies
  • Global Studies + Communication Studies
  • Global Studies + Cultural Encounters
  • European Studies
  • Human Rights
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • International Relations
  • International Studies
  • International Development Studies
  • Journalism
  • International Law
  • Social Entrepreneurship & Management
  • World Studies
  • Profile subject: Visual Arts HL or Film HL
  • Core subjects: English A or English B HL; Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL; Global Politics HL/SL or Psychology HL/SL or Business Management HL/SL; Biology or ESS or Physics; Danish A or Danish B or Other Language, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
  • This combination of IB subjects gives access to 90 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
  • Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
  • Animation
  • Architecture
  • Art History
  • Designer
  • Design Culture
  • Digital Design
  • Event Management
  • Film & Media Studies
  • Film & TV Production
  • Musical Therapy
  • Music Production
  • Performance Design
  • Theatre & Drama Studies
  • Theatre Management
  • Visual Communication
  • Profile subjects: Biology HL, Chemistry SL, Mathematics Analysis & Approaches HL.
  • Core subjects: English A or English B, Danish A or Danish B or Other Language, Global Politics HL/SL, Psychology HL/SL, or Business Management HL/SL, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
  • This combination of IB subjects gives access to 133 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
  • Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
  • Agrobiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedicine
  • Dentistry
  • Environmental Risk
  • Global Nutrition & Health
  • International Bachelor in Natural Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics & Economics
  • Medicine
  • Medicinal Biology
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Molecular Biology
  • Nutritional Studies
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Profile subjects: Physics HL/SL, Chemistry HL/SL, Mathematics Analysis & Approaches HL
  • Core subjects: English A or English B HL; Danish A or Danish B or Other Language; Business Management HL/SL or Global Politics HL/SL or Psychology HL/SL; Theory of Knowledge; Creativity, Activity, Service.
  • This combination of IB subjects gives access to 214 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
  • Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
  • Applied Industrial Electronics
  • Artificial Intelligence & Design
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Digital Technology
  • Electronics & IT
  • Informatics
  • International Bachelor in Natural Sciences
  • General Engineering
  • Global Management & Manufacturing Engineering
  • Manufacturing & Operations Engineering
  • Mathematical Computer Modelling
  • Nanoscience
  • Robot Technology
  • Software Engineering
  • Profile subjects: English A or B HL, Danish A or B HL, a third language, History HL/SL
  • Core subjects: Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL, Biology SL or ESS SL, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity, Activity, Service.
  • This combination of IB subjects gives access to 136 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
  • Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
  • Anthropology
  • Business, Language, and Culture
  • Communication & Digital Media
  • European Studies
  • Export & Technology
  • Intercultural Market Communication
  • International Bachelor in Humanities
  • International Bachelor in Social Sciences
  • International Studies
  • Journalism
  • Language & Business
  • Language & International Studies
  • Language Officer
  • Psychology
  • Rhetoric & Communication
  • Profile subjects: Psychology HL, Biology SL
  • Core subjects: English A or English B HL; Mathematics Applications & Interpretation SL; History HL/SL or Economics HL/SL; Danish A or Danish B or Other Language; Theory of Knowledge; Creativity, Activity, Service.
  • This combination of IB subjects gives access to 136 college level courses in Denmark and thousands of college courses all over the world
  • Examples of courses that this IB Profile prepares you for:
  • Psychology
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management Studies
  • Cognition Studies
  • Cognition & Communication
  • Educational Management
  • Health Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Sociology
  • Social Work
  • Work Life Studies