The Pre-IB Programme
What is the Pre-IB programme?
The Pre-IB is a one-year preparatory course for Danish and non-Danish students prior to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (the IB). It is aimed at students who are interested in an English speaking, international education but who are unable to directly enter the IB Diploma Programme as they have not completed minimum 11 years of schooling.
Students in the Pre-IB class at Stenhus Gymnasium follow a programme that is equivalent to the “1g” in the Danish gymnasium (STX). This makes it possible for a student to change to the Danish system after the Foundation Course i.e. around 1st November, or after the completed year.
Pre-IB Subjects
In the Pre-IB programme, all teaching and study materials are in English; thus non-native students are given the opportunity to improve their oral and written proficiency needed for the study of a broad range of subjects in a foreign language. The curriculum consists of compulsory academic subject areas with a balanced combination of the humanities, sciences, social sciences and the arts.
Subjects taught in the Pre-IB year:
- English
- Danish (three levels: Beginners, Intermediate, Native/Near-native)
- German (2-3 yrs. of prior experience required), French Beginners (no prior experience required) or Spanish Beginners (no prior experience required)
- Social Science
- History (from November)
- Physics
- Biology
- Mathematics (two levels)
- Visual Arts or Film & Media Studies
- Physical Education
- Chemistry or Business Economics
Additional basic courses (completed in early November) in:
- General Linguistics, including an introduction to Latin (“AP”)
- Interdisciplinary Science (“NV”)
The Aim of the Pre-IB
The aim of the Pre-IB programme is, on the one hand, to provide students with the academic basis for further study of these subjects in the IB Diploma Programme, but also to supply the prerequisite knowledge that would enable a potential change to the Danish STX. All Pre-IB students will become extremely proficient in the English language and well versed in the appropriate study skills.