Complaints Procedure
IB Parent or Legal Guardian and Student Complaints Procedure: Procedure for processing complaints made by Parents/Guardians or Students.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the IB Whistleblowing and Complaints Procedures.
This policy aims to reassure parents/students and others with an interest in the school that:
- any complaint against the school will be dealt with in a fair, open and responsive way, with the aim of achieving a speedy and satisfactory resolution; and
- Stenhus Gymnasium recognizes that a willingness to listen to questions and criticism and to respond
positively, can lead to improvements in school practices and provision for students.
- Complainants may be anyone e.g., parents, students, guardians, or anyone with an interest in the work of the school. However, it is expected that it will be mainly parents, guardians, or students who will make use of this procedure. The term ‘parent/student’ is therefore used throughout the procedure as a generic term, but the procedure also applies in relation to any other type of complainant.
- Complaints may be made in person (oral) or be written.’A
- A complaint is defined as a clear statement of dissatisfaction about any specified aspect of the school’s work. This procedure deals with specified day-to-day complaints against teachers, management and/or the operation of the school.
- Records of all conversations and meetings with parents/students to resolve formal complaints will be kept.
- A file of the hard copy of the Formal School Complaint Form (Appendix 1) will be kept in each case.
Informal Stage of The Complaints Procedure: Oral Complaint
- On occasions, a parent or student may raise a concern directly with the IB Coordinator without any
formality. At this stage, it may be unclear whether the parent or student is making a complaint, is seeking information, or has misunderstood a situation. In any effect, the IB Coordinator will aim to resolve the concern at this point in a speedy and effective way. - However, if the concern is not resolved immediately and a complaint is confirmed orally by the parent/student, the opportunity to discuss the matter with an appropriate member of staff will be given. In the case of complaint against the IB Coordinator, this stage will always be heard by the school Principal.
- The IB Coordinator or School Principal will discuss the issue with the parent/student and those involved in school, with the aim of resolving the complaint as soon as possible. The parent/student will be informed of the outcome of the investigation and what action, if any, the school proposes to take.
- If the informal process has been exhausted and no satisfactory solution has been found, the
parent/student will be asked by the member of staff dealing with the complaint whether (s)he wishes the complaint to be considered formally. If wishing to proceed with the complaint, the parent/student will be invited to put the complaint in writing to the School Principal using the normal School Complaint Form attached to this policy as Appendix 1. The form should be sent to the School Principal within ten school days. - If a Formal School Complaint Form is not submitted within ten school days, the school will assume that the complaint has been withdrawn
- When it comes to an oral complaint about a teacher, the following procedure will apply:
The starting point is that the parties involved seek to resolve any disagreement or dissatisfaction through dialogue. Therefore, if a parent/student approaches the IB Coordinator with a verbal complaint about a teacher, the IB Coordinator will first ensure that the parent/student has tried to have a dialogue with the teacher to solve the problem. If dialogue has already been attempted, the IB Coordinator becomes involved in seeking a solution.
The IB Coordinator will talk to the relevant parties involved and can, for example:
a) talk to the teacher about the dissatisfaction being expressed by the parent/student.
b) participate in a conversation between the relevant parent/student and the teacher.
c) observe classroom teaching to talk to the parties involved based on something concrete.
d) set in motion relevant teacher supervision by a colleague.
Formal Stage of The Complaints Procedure: Written Complaint
- Where the complaint has been addressed by the IB Coordinator at the Informal Stage, this stage will be heard by the School Principal.
- The School Principal will acknowledge the written complaint within three school days of receipt and provide an opportunity to meet the parent/student to discuss the complaint.
- The School Principal will investigate the complaint and a written response will normally be made within ten school days of receipt of the meeting to discuss the complaint. If this is not possible, a letter will be sent explaining the reason for the delay and providing a revised target date.
- The written response will include full reasons for the conclusions reached by the School Principal and
what action, if any, the school proposes to take to resolve the matter.
With regards to a written complaint about a teacher
If a parent/parent submits a written complaint, it must be clear who is being complained about and what is being complained about. The written complaint is submitted to the teacher for comment. Against this background, the School Principal investigates the case and decides how to proceed. The complainant and the teacher are informed of the School Principal’s decision.
The competency to make decisions in complaints against teachers lies solely with the School Principal. Students can appeal the School Principal’s decision by addressing the complaint to the “Center for Undervisningsmiljø”. The written appeal against the school’s decision must be sent via the School Principal.
Appendix 1: Either print this sheet, or create a copy and use digitally
To whom or what does the issue relate:
Contact details (including mobile telephone number):
Details of Complaint: (Please be as specific as possible e.g. giving dates, who was involved and where etc.)
What would you like to see done to resolve your complaint and bring the matter to an acceptable closure
for yourself and the school?